Know The Sapphire You are buying – Only Buy a Sapphire That Comes With a Colored Gemstone Report.
Sapphires do not receive a certificate like diamonds. Instead, sapphires receive a Colored gemstone Report. Therefore, we recommend you buy a sapphire with a report from a reliable gem lab to know exactly what you are purchasing. And before buying, it’s crucial to learn how to read a colored gemstone report from a reputed independent gemological laboratory. Colored stone report or Gem Identification Report describes whether the item is natural or laboratory-grown, or made with artificial material, identifies the type of gemstone, and includes any detectable treatments found. It is available for any gem material regardless of size, whether rough or polished, loose or set in jewelry.

These reports list the following information for each sapphire:
The type of stone, Gem category are based on chemical composition and crystal structure. For Example, Sapphires and Rubies are Corundums.
The sub-category of species is based on color and phenomenon. For example, in a report on natural sapphire, it can be a Blue Sapphire, Padparadscha Sapphire, Ruby, Pink Sapphire, Yellow Sapphire, or any other Fancy Colored Sapphire. Also, most of the time, it’s mentioned whether it is an unheated sapphire.
Shape and cut / Style of Cut
Details about its shape and cut, which is the outline of the stone and pattern of the facet arrangement.
The weight of the sapphire is given in carats to the nearest hundredth of a carat. One carat is equal to 1/5 of a gram.
Exact measurements of the gemstone’s height, width, and length in millimeters. Dimensions are listed as “minimum diameter – maximum diameter x depth” for round gemstones and “length x width x depth” for fancy-shaped gems.
A general description of its color. The primary hue of the color is indicated as the latter. For example, Padparadscha, Orangish Pink, means that the stone is mainly pink with some orangish hue.
A two-dimensional barcode that, when scanned via a smartphone, launches lab Report Check to verify the data on the report against the lab’s global database. Report Check also displays more detailed treatment information for the gemstone. In addition, initial treatment information may also be found in the report.
This section contains Notes about inclusions and any other outstanding characteristics not otherwise represented in the report, such as any particular treatments or inclusions, Whether it is transparent, semi-opaque, or opaque.
Security Features
Micro-printing, watermarks, a two-dimensional barcode, a hologram, and sheet numbering safeguard report integrity and facilitate document authentication.
Country of Origin
Some Gemological reports contain the origin of the gemstone. This is vital information when the country of origin increases the gemstone value, such as Blue Sapphires from Kashmir, Sri Lanka, or Burma, Ruby from Burma,, etc
Most colored stone reports also come with a clear picture of the gem.
If you know how to read a colored gemstone report, always demand that when purchasing a gemstone or high jewelry with valuable natural gems. Through this, you ensure your investment for the future.